Warmer Weather,Gardens,Yard Work…

Speaking of Springtime!

Now that you have your new home , or are getting ready to look for one in which case you really need to give me a call 🙂 have you been thinking about a nice and productive backyard garden project?  With the weather getting warmer our thoughts are turning to the great outdoors specifically…our yards!

Vegetable gardens are something that seem to be growing in popularity recently at least among the people who I talk to. Living a self-sustained lifestyle seems to be something of interest to a lot of people, especially in today’s world where we are thinking more about the environment! Growing your own vegetables not only allows you the freedom to have your vegetables at your fingertips but it also affords you the assurance of knowing where they came from and what was or was not used in the growing process.  Whether you live an Organic life or not there is a measure of comfort in knowing that your vegetables have not been sprayed with all kinds of chemicals.

Now that you have that beautiful backyard isn’t it time to start thinking about a garden?  🙂 Oh come on…you know you want to!! And if you have not taken the plunge into home ownership…well what is stopping you?! If you have questions I would love to answer them for you the best that I can. Give me a call at 317 271-1700

To find information on starting your own gardens you can visit the following site!

The Farmers Almanac

Organic Authority